Home Décor for Fall

Easy Décor for Fall and Thanksgiving

Setting up your home décor for Fall and Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be complicated or cost you a lot. We’re sharing a few tips to inspire you.

You’ve been there, the family is coming into town and most likely you want to make your home look welcoming. If you’re like many of us, you may not have the time to spend decorating or even the budget, too. The good news is that you can find items around your home and in nature to decorate! If you have vases in your home or candle holders use these to hold items such as pine cones, acorns, or other items you might be able to find in your backyard. As silly as it sounds, even red delicious apples add a nice touch of color to the centerpiece with greenery from around the yard. Fill mason jars with water, add acorns greenery, and a tea candle. If you’re able to get to the store, pick up cinnamon sticks and add them to the table centerpiece with your red apples and greenery. Bring out the cozy blankets if you haven’t already and the candles! These things always warm-up and welcome anyone into a room. In our opinion, don’t overthink the decorating. A little goes a long way.